Nothing is foolproof and there are numerous causes for any type of failure. As with any surgery, a Hair Transplant provides ample opportunity for something to go wrong, although in most cases its highly preventable.
Many times, in what seems like a case of malpractice, the patient is to blame for any issues concerning an unsuccessful transplant.
For this article we will not look at doctors who are to blame, but the patients, who seem to avoid heeding the advice from the surgeon and clinic.
What are the reasons for a failed Hair Transplant?
We like to blame others for our failures and in the case of a Hair Transplant gone wrong, many patients seem to point the finger at their doctors. This can be true in some cases, but in many, the patient is to blame through their failure to do as told and for not divulging the necessary medical information before the surgery.
Medical History
Before any medical procedure such as Hair Transplant surgery, the patient is required to fill out a questionnaire pertaining to their current as well as past medical history. If for once in your life you decide to be honest, this is it. From past illnesses to current medications, it is essential that all the information is accurate and up to date. In the event that you do not disclose a specific issue, there is a chance that your surgery will be unsuccessful.
For example, if you are taking Anticoagulants such as Xarelto or Pradaxa and you do not inform the clinic, your bleeding will be an issue with the chance that the surgery could be discontinued. If the surgery is completed and you experience issues because of your lack of honesty, the clinic will not be responsible for any complications. All of this is for the patient’s benefit so as to provide the safest and most successful procedure.
Even a small issue from your past could cause complications, so please be forthcoming in your questionnaire as well as any discussions with the doctor and clinic.
Post-Op Care by the Patient or lack thereof
Too many of us, myself included, try to self-diagnose and do whatever we can to avoid going to the doctor. We will search online endlessly to figure out our issues and treat them the way we see fit. This also occurs when we do finally go to the doctor and are given specific instructions for preventative care or post-op care. Whether it’s a dental procedure or a hair transplant procedure, we have a natural tendency to do it “our way” and put aside any professional advice.
Of course, our laisse fair attitude comes with consequences as we always seem to regret not taking the good doctor’s advice. In the case of a Hair Transplant, the doctor’s advice is usually the same, and although being common sense, can be the difference between a successful or unsuccessful transplant. There is also the chance that if you do not follow the instructions of the doctor in clinic, you will lose any type of guarantee which is offered. This also includes not fully divulging all the pertinent information on your pre-surgery medical form
What are the usual instructions for a post-op Hair Transplant?
Much of the post-op care is more focused on what “not” to do, then on what to do. As with any surgery, post-op care is essential for a successful outcome, and a Hair Transplant is no different. The first order is to rest and relax while staying away from any exercise. This seems to be a problem for a lot of men who feel “fine” after the surgery and decide to hit the gym or track. A very bad decision which can wreak havoc on the healing process, thereby reducing the number of hairs/implants that survive.
The other big issues are drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. Obviously habits that are unhealthy in the best of times, these 3 can create lasting damage to the scalp and the rest of the body after surgery. Believe me when I tell you that most causes of an unsuccessful transplant come back to this trio, but fortunately can be avoided with a little, or a lot of discipline.
Other reasons for an unsuccessful Hair Transplant
Discounting having a Hair Transplant in a region or country which is highly unregulated and with poor medical standards, most reasons for a failed transplant are patient related. There are of course the complications which can arise from any surgery, especially an infection, but most of the time its problem free.
The onus is on the patient to provide the relevant information and follow the instructions of the doctor and clinic before and after the surgery. If this is done, then the chances are great that the transplant will be successful. It is also incumbent upon the patient to do their research about the clinic the decide to use, and always make sure it meets the standards of a professional establishment.