The two systems which will be comparing and discussing are the S.A.F.E.™ (Surgically Advanced Follicular Extraction) System and NeoGraft® which for the rest of the article will be referred to as the Safe and Neo, respectively.
Both systems are tools for hair transplants, specifically the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method which among other things, improves accuracy and speed. The procedure entails removing individual hair follicles from the donor area and implanting them into the blading and/or thinning areas. Both methods are at the cutting edge of hair transplants and can only be done by a surgeon. At first glance these two methods are very similar as they both use the FUE method with the help of a specialized tool. But as we dig deeper there are differences which future patients must be made aware of when doing research for treating their hair loss.
With all the technology and methods for hair transplants, sometimes the most important “instrument” gets overlooked in all the noise. The “instrument” I’m referring to is the surgeon who performs your procedure. All the procedures, techniques, instruments and tools are only as good as the surgeon who uses them and performs the surgery. Above anything else, the doctor you choose is the one who will make the difference, which adds to the equation of which method is the best, Safe or Neo.
Similarities of the Neo and FUE SafeSytem Hair Transplant methods
Both systems have more in common than in their differences. It would be somewhat futile to have a side-by-comparison as they would be similar 90% of the time. But for informative reasons, I will discuss their commonalities and then go into the differences.
Since both systems use the FUE method, which extracts one, two or three follicles at a time, the results are similar or should be similar. Each uses a semi-automated tool to extract the follicle(s) and implants it into the scalp. No more “cornrow” type implants where the follicles are extracted in large groups and implemented into the scalp giving that “cornrow” look.
If you observed both procedures side by side, they would not only seem quite similar, but the results would look the same to the casual observer. 2-3 weeks after the surgery the shedding process begins whereby the transplanted hair starts to fall out. This is part of the natural regrowth process and 3-4 months after your surgery, you will see natural growth of the transplanted hair.
Both methods and procedures can be done in one or two sessions and for the most part take approximately the same amount of time. As both use the FUE method, the instruments perform the same duties although in a slightly different manner.
Differences between NeoGraft and FUE Safe System Hair Transplant
Where the Safe system excels is with its ability to help those who are thought to be unqualified for hair transplants. FOX Negative™ is a term coined for those who do not qualify for any FUE procedure because of underlying issues. The Neo System is not applicable for these patients, although the safe system can be used. Much of this has to do with the instruments themselves and the precise manner in which the follicle is removed. Although a bit more difficult for the surgeons, thankfully the FOX Negative patients do have an option for FUE surgery.
Another benefit of the Safe method is the what they do once they remove the follicle from the donor area. In the Neo method, the follicles are sucked into a chamber, where they are “stored” for a few hours until the implant process begins. The Safe method bypasses the “storage” process and can instantaneously implant the follicle into the thinning or balding area. This scribe method creates a higher yield for the follicles, ensuring a better outcome than the Neo method with more transplanted follicles growing. This method also ensures that those who like to keep their hair short can do so without any unsightly or minimal scaring.
In terms of the instruments themselves, the Neo method is a bit more cumbersome compared to the smaller and more portable FUE Safe System method. There are benefits to a smaller instrument but in terms of usability both highly specialized tools provide reliable, safe and successful implants. In many cases the decision on what system to use comes down to what the surgeons are most comfortable with.
Getting back to the earlier point of having a qualified surgeon, the Safe method has the advantage over the Neo method. Although both methods require a surgeon, the Safe method is a bit more complex and can only be used by a qualified doctor whose sole craft is hair transplants. The Neo method was created for non-specialized doctors and unlicensed technicians. This method enables doctors whose practice might include other specialties and procedures along with hair transplants. The Safe method ensures that the surgeon performing the transplant is highly qualified in hair transplants as well as the technicians and on average more experienced than those using the Neo method.
Which is the best hair transplant?
The question you should be asking is, which method is best for me and my situation? Both procedures are very good, and in using the FUE methods the results will ensure a great outcome. For those who are FOX Negative™ the answer is simple, as the Safe system is the only workable solution. With the technology invested in both procedures, they are not cheap, although the Safe method is as bit more expensive because of its higher yield rate and the skill of the doctor. Due diligence is essential when making a decision on any treatment you decide, so take your time!